![]() 05/20/2019 at 11:06 • Filed to: Game of Thrones, GoT, TV shows, A song of ice and fire | ![]() | ![]() |
Sad it is over, but satisfied with the ending- Despite all the problems I had with the writing in this season, from a direction, production design,visual effects, music and acting standpoint it was fantastic.
What I didn’t like was 1) Dumb&Dumber rushing to hit an ending (should have been 10 episodes at least in S7 and 8) 2) The showrunners writing towards said ending and other big “shocking” moments rather than allowing the story to unravel based on how the characters would actually act in any given situation.
Spoilers Ahead:
The last episode did not disappoint for me personally. I saw the gleam of old GOT with the interactions involving Tyrion. Especially the small council scene which I didn’t want to end. As for individual character fates:
1. Fine with Jon either being burnt by Drogon (Amazing how they showed emotion on the dragon) or ending up as the new King Beyond the wall leading the freefolks to resettle those lands. The Unsullied don’t know about the Nights Watch so they’ll leave knowing he is serving a life sentence. As for why they didn’t kill Jon or Tyrion I don’t know, Perhaps they are so used to following orders they didn’t want to make decisions.
2. Dany- Saw this coming all the way from Essos but what can I say that’s not already been said? The way they got their was absolute shitshow. Sure Tyrion’s talk with Jon was almost a veiled explanation for viewers but still not enough.
3. Arya the Explorer. Man they’re surely pushing hard for that sequel. I’d watch the shit out of a Sind bad style show
4. Sansa- Queen in the North. Fitting conclusion. Plus since her brother is the King she will remained allied to the Kingdom even if fully independent. I assume she will be like Queen Elizabeth and never marry and hold power as long as she lives
5. Bran as the new king was a surprise someone who is unattached to material possessions and human relationships is good in my opinion. He’s basically like the AI whom Tyrion can tap into for advice and guidance based on his knowledge and foresight.There will be peace in the realm because the king and his non-existent immediate family won’t stir up shit.
6. That brings me to Tyrion. Bran is not a key power figure in this story now, he is the face of the crown. The real power in Westeros is the Hand of the King and he is a damn good one at it. I wanted Tyrion to be the Hand of whoever ends up being the one on the top.
I read comments online from folks who hated Bran being the king and wanted a perfect solution in the last episode. There won’t be, it has to be worked on. It was good that Sam’s suggestion was laughed at because it won’t work in this setting. The wheel has to be broken slowly. Will there be revolts? Will some of the kingdoms want to secede? Sure. But, Tyrion is in the best position and has the brains and the brawn (and Bronn) to manage that. Again the problem comes with the rushed writing. Plus There should have been an episode or two just fleshing out the process and the lords and ladies discussing all options and possibilities with tyrion leading negotiations. I was thinking one option was Westeros would become 7 independent kingdoms again but that based on history would only lead to internal strife and constant wars. Back to before Aegon 1 came by united them all.
This is my favorite episode of this season, followed by Ep1 and Ep2 because of all the reunions and interactions. They screwed up but the ending left me pleased.
Anyway, just my 2 cents. I started watching in 2012 and I still love this show (not a book reader yet), never been invested in any TV or movie series like this one not even the MCU. I love watching it with my family and friends and reading and talking about it offline and online. And now my watch has ended.
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I don’t get why all the other leaders gave a shit what Tyrion said.
You don’t rise to be the leader of your respective kingdom by just “going along” and accepting some imp’s suggestion for a cripple to be King. It just wasn’t believable at all, regardless what you think of Bran being selected (I thought it was stupid - he’s much better suited to be Hand of the King/Queen ).
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As for why they didn’t kill Jon or Tyrion I don’t know, Perhaps they are so used to following orders they didn’t want to make decisions.
Grey Worm is a soldier, and he follows the king’s/queen’s orders. With no ruler, there’s nobody to give orders, presumably. And since Drogon flew off with Dany’s body, how did they know Jon killed her? I guess he fessed up to it.
Sure Tyrion’s talk with Jon was almost a veiled explanation for viewers but still not enough.
Jon wasn’t sure about his course of action until Tyrion said that Sansa and Arya would never bend the knee. Which means that Dany would have killed them. He wouldn’t let that happen.
Arya the Explorer. Man they’re surely pushing hard for that sequel. I’d watch the shit out of a Sinbad style show
Sequel never entered my mind. But that makes sense. I just figured they needed to give her something to do, since she wasn’t going to sit around Winterfell for the rest of her life.
Sansa- Queen in the North.
Fitting, yes. She got what she deserved. But how come she got to claim independence when the other’s didn’t? Because she went last? Because her brother was the new king? The other lords didn’t even make a peep about that.
During the scene where Tyrion names Bran as king, I was waiting for somebody to call for Jon to be king. But if you can become king simply by killing the last one, then nothing has changed. Dany broke the wheel after all, just not in the way she first imagined.
I thought it was kind of silly to have Bronn as Master of Coin and appear at the end, but he was a popular character and they needed to bring him back, especially after that ludicrous scene with him, Jaime and Tyrion the night before the battle with the zombies.
I liked how the whole thing wrapped up with the Starks. The show was about them at the beginning with Ned, and it was about them at the end with the remaining siblings.
Also, too bad Varys didn’t survive. I liked his character.
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I realized a lot of answers can come down to “If they had more time they would have explained that” but that’s a crutch.
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Westeros gender politics in an image
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I think Bran was perfect because he is basically a figure head. He is so aloof to others that he wouldn’t really care about the power of the throne, he is content to study the past and relay that information. Tyrion couldn’t be king, people would think him weak and try to seize power from him. He can lead, but he is not imposing. Bran is imposing because of his power, which will no doubt spread in rumors across the land. I think it ended the best way it could, without being too sappy/predictable.
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T rue in 2019 as well, somewhere sometimes.
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This is basically exactly my feelings as well. It wasn’t perfect, and the last two seasons were a mess (and should have been longer for narrative flow), but it basically ended how it needed too and the key threads were more or less closed. It didn’t leave me cheering, but I think I’m satisfied.
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When people betray him, and everyone inevitably starts killing each other again, Bran will be like, “ Everything you are doing is bringing us to where we will be in the future .” A leader has to lead. Bran is just a witness to history, not an active participant (besides sitting there as the bait for the Night King).
![]() 05/20/2019 at 13:04 |
But how come she got to claim independence when the other’s didn’t? Because she went last? Because her brother was the new king? The other lords didn’t even make a peep about that.
The only explanation I can think of is that the other lords recognized the value the North brought in defending against the Night King, and the fact that it serves/served an essentially neutral role in the overall conflict . The North is independent but also doesn’t seek to rule over all of Westeros. They don’t seem to be a threat to the other houses.
Of course if that’s true, the writers really should have had it play out that way. I’m fine with the decision for the North to be independent, and I believe that the other lords would allow it while uniting themselves. But as you say, I don’t necessarily believe there being zero discussion about it. It’s just Sansa saying “we’ll be independent” and everyone else going “k”.
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Right, he isn’t really calling the shots on anything. That is for his hand to do. Which makes perfect sense to me.
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they did have more time. HBO offered as much budget as D&D needed and 10 episodes, and those 2 showrunners said “ nahhhh, we got this in 6"
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So Bran will be eating, shitting, and drinking his way to an early grave, as all good kings do!
BOBBY B would be proud of him
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Yup,that’s what I meant. I blame D&D, not HBO nor GRRM nor anyone else associated with the show .
![]() 05/21/2019 at 12:13 |
I’m totally okay with her dying and being evil and all that, but the aftermath of her death would’ve been way crazier.
If Jon admits to killing her, no way grey worm and the blood riders don’t immediately kill him. Especially considering grey worm was just very clear that they would kill all of Danys enemies. Instead apparently he imprisons them and waits for the westerosi to tell him what to do? He was her fucking master of war ready to conquer the world, they should’ve been fucking shit up. The Dothraki were just ulululuing getting ready to go conquer more and more because that’s what their culture is, but now they’re just causally walking around and living in kings landing and have totally abandoned their savage nature. Fucking stupid. The aftermath of her death should’ve been chaos, instead they killed her and then just yadda yadda BRAN THE BROKEN
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Also why do grey worm and the Dothraki go from hype and ready to fuck shit up for their leader to not getting any vengeance and now they’re just gonna chill and wait for the lords to show up and let em know how to handle the situation.
Post Dany dying should’ve been insane chaos as these foreign armies are now far from home, without a cause except vengeance for their mother of dragons who was ready to conquer the world with them. Instead yadda yadda council of kings, let’s laugh at edmure and make some jokes and we’re done
![]() 05/21/2019 at 12:18 |
Grey worm follows danys orders not the lords and kings of westoros. He wouldn’t have waited weeks for their opinion he would’ve slit his throat just as quickly as any Lannister soldier. Same with the Dothraki, the blood riders sole duty is to get vengeance and then commit suicide when their khal dies
![]() 05/21/2019 at 12:35 |
Yeah, no way Jon lives after killing Dany (unless he runs).
Completely unbelievable.